LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD – Children (Audiobook) Read by Georgia Lee Schultz $2.99

Once upon a time, a little girl lived in a village near the forest.  Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the town called her Red Riding Hood. One day her mother called upon her to take a freshly baked cherry pie to her grandmother, who was sick in bed with a cold. Red Riding Hood took the basket with the cherry pie and headed onto the path that would take her through the forest to her grandmother’s cottage. Along the way, she encounters a big evil wolf that plots to steal the pie and eat it all for himself.

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Runtime: 19 minutes / Digital MP3  Download

Adapted for audio, directed  and produced by George Zarr

 Release Date: June 21, 2022

Performance ©2022 Design Sound Productions / Voices in the Wind Audio Theatre

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